Life hacks for quick and easy apartment cleaning

Cleaning an apartment is not an easy task that takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, some people prefer to postpone cleaning the house until better times, thereby only complicating their task. Cleaning kitchen surfaces, tidying furniture, mopping floors throughout the house, and wiping bathroom fixtures can be done fairly quickly and effectively. This will help to draw up a clear plan and a coherent set of actions.
Firstly, let's make a list of things that you will definitely need:

  • Glass cleaner
  • Furniture polish
  • Bath Cleaner
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Paper towels, rags, newspaper, or sponges
  • Latex gloves
  • Brushes, scrapers, and the like
  • Apron
Cleaning the house will not be so tedious if you do several things at the same time. For example, pour the cleaning liquid into the toilet in the evening, and then in the morning you just need to “walk” on the surface with a brush and wash off the residue with clean water. The cleaning time in the kitchen will also be noticeably reduced if, before washing the dishes, you apply a special agent to the hob with a sponge.
Speaking of sponges, brushes, and rags. These simple devices are always ready to help housewives during cleaning. But few people know how to choose the right sponge or exactly how many times to enhance the capabilities of a rag. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the cleaning surface. After all, a sponge will have to wipe off dirt of various origins. You can remove stains with an abrasive very quickly. But it is important to do this with great care; gently rubbing the surface takes too much effort. After all, a rough surface and the applied physical force can easily and imperceptibly damage the soft coating of furniture and leave small scratches. Experts do not recommend using sponges with green abrasives for cleaning. White and blue will help wash any surface much more efficiently and do not pose a threat to the external coating.
A microfiber cloth becomes an indispensable tool during wet house cleaning. If you apply a rational approach to any process, you can save energy and even have fun. To speed up the removal of dust, it is enough to fold the fabric four times. Such simple manipulations allow you to use several work surfaces, one after another. Yes, and it is necessary to wash such a rag four times less. It is important to simply clean the contaminated side inside at the same time and wipe the furniture clean.

To win a few precious things from cleaning an apartment, deliberate actions during washing windows and cleaning surfaces help. Chaotic, circular movements can leave ugly streaks. Polishing done horizontally or vertically leaves much fewer marks. The same advice is useful for cleaning glasses.
Divorces are the other side of a brilliant medal. Often, after completing the cleaning of rooms or an entire apartment, instead of shine and cleanliness, you can observe stains on the surfaces; it all looks very ugly. In this case, you have to call for help from all the remaining forces and continue the tedious cleaning. If you want to avoid this fate, simply wash the floors with a solution of water and vinegar. Adding just half a glass of 9% vinegar to 4 liters of water will help remove building dust. To bring the flooring to perfection, you should "walk" with water with the addition of a standard floor cleaner.
The best helpers in the process of cleaning the house are not expensive solutions, but universal things that are always at hand.

  • A dishwasher can not cope with all types of household dirt; sometimes even a washing cycle at high temperatures does not help. When the whiteness of your favorite cup is spoiled by an old yellow coating from tea or coffee, it is usually enough to wipe the surface with a gruel of baking soda.
  • Activated charcoal tablets will help drive away the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator.
  • If mold has appeared in the refrigerator, wipe it with a solution of vinegar (pour two tablespoons of this product into 1 liter of water, and the cleaning liquid is ready). The most difficult stains from the fungus can be wiped off with the help of whiteness.
  • The volume of your favorite down jacket after washing will be retained by a few ping-pong balls thrown into the washing machine during washing.
  • If the shoes have acquired an unpleasant smell, then it is not necessary to purchase the products recommended by the advertising on TV. It is worth using improvised means; for example, vinegar and soda can help clean shoes. Pour a thin layer of soda inside so that it completely covers the insoles. Leave it overnight and remove the baking soda the next day. If the shoes are machine washable, add a glass of white vinegar to the wash. Let the shoes dry naturally.
Often, cleaning an apartment helps to make a lot of unexpected discoveries for novice housewives.

In order for pots and pans to serve faithfully for more than one year, and food to not burn on them, in no case should you put them under a stream of cold water. First, wait until the temperature drops completely and cools down, and then (to facilitate wiping off the fat at the bottom), fill it with water and add liquid soap. Then wipe everything off with a dry cloth.

There is an interesting and effective way to clean your shower head. Take a new plastic bag, pour vinegar into it, and pull it over the shower. You need to leave everything for about an hour or two, and then wipe the nozzle with a damp towel.

If you have animals at home, then, most likely, all the furniture is covered with a layer of wool. There is an easy way to eliminate it: you need to put on rubber gloves on your hands and run them over the upholstery. All hairs will remain on the rubber.

To reduce dust on the screens of TVs and laptops, antistatic treatment will help. Best of all, special wipes for office equipment will cope with this task, but you can also use a spray cleaner for cleaning.
Let's summarize and make a list of the most important and useful tips for cleaning your home:

  1. Do not refuse help; firstly, it will speed up the cleaning process, and secondly, you will have more fun, and this is a good opportunity to talk and chat with friends.
  2. If you have very little time to clean, then first you need to eliminate the mess in the house and only then proceed to more important things. And always, the cleaning process should start from the top and move down. You should not start vacuuming the floor, and then dirty it again, wiping dust from the surfaces of shelves, tables, and other interior items.
  3. Regularly audit the refrigerator; perhaps there are products that have long been disposed of and are rotten and covered with mold.
  4. Set your priorities right: washing dirty dishes in the sink or throwing out the accumulated garbage is much more important than cleaning the room.
  5. Think about unusual ways to use common detergents. So, for example, you may not even know that many people use detergent not only for washing clothes and bed linen, but also for other purposes. It cleans the oven perfectly, removes grease from surfaces in the kitchen, can also be used to clean the bathroom, is less abrasive, and has a pleasant, fresh smell.
  6. Our mothers also used baking soda to remove bad smells from the refrigerator. It is enough to dilute soda in warm water and rinse everything with this solution.
  7. Crumpled old newspapers do a great job of removing streaks from mirrors and windows.
  8. The dirtiest thing in the kitchen is the dish sponge. Bacteria and pathogens accumulate on it in large numbers, which is why it is not recommended to dry it next to clean dishes. You need to change the sponges more often or periodically sterilize them in the microwave. Another option for "sterilization" is to wash the sponge in the dishwasher along with the dishes. If you decide to use the microwave sterilizing sponge tip, make sure it's damp, or it could ignite. Take the sponge out of the oven carefully, as it will be hot!
  9. A good way to save money is to make rags out of old socks or T-shirts by cutting them into pieces; I'm sure they just take up space in the closet.
  10. As a rule, everyone who comes to visit sits either in the kitchen or in the living room; therefore, if you have little time for cleaning, then it is best to first clean these rooms (firstly, put all the little things in their places; they create an atmosphere of chaos in the room) and wipe the floors in the hallway, and only then clean up in the bedroom or nursery.
  11. To simplify the cleaning process, place all cleaning supplies in a plastic box (basket) and carry this box with you, so you do not have to run after them from room to room.
  12. Use baking soda to keep your carpet clean and fresh, with a pleasant smell. You can sprinkle it on the carpet (or moisten individual stains with a solution of soda and water) and leave it for a couple of hours. After that, be sure to carefully collect everything and clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
  13. Forget about cleaning in silence; to maintain a good mood, you can listen to music, set yourself a playlist of your favorite artists, and enjoy the process.
  14. Be sure to carefully read the instructions for all cleaning products. It will take a couple of minutes, but it will help to avoid damage to linoleum, wooden furniture parts, and other materials from which household items are made. If, after reading the instructions, there is no understanding of how to apply the product correctly, then you can conduct a test on a small area. In addition, you need to remember about your own safety; many products can harm your skin. So be sure to wear rubber gloves.
  15. Never mix cleaning products unless indicated in the instructions - you can get a dangerous chemical compound.
Most housewives have to do the cleaning of the apartment with their own hands, relying only on their own strength. In this case, the advice of professionals and proven folk remedies will become reliable assistants.
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